About Me

Kristina Pinkerton - Professional Organizer - Huntsville Alabama

Hey there,  I'm Kristina!

I strongly believe that having a well-organized and clutter-free home can significantly enhance your physical space and overall well-being. 

My love for keeping things in order began at a young age. I always enjoyed maintaining a tidy and organized room, and I would often experiment with different layouts to make the most of the available space. This habit has stayed with me throughout my life. 

As a military spouse who moved five times over a decade, I learned firsthand the importance of decluttering and staying organized. This experience also made me realize the significance of presenting a clutter-free and visually pleasing home when preparing it for sale.  

Following my husband's retirement from the Air Force and our settling in Rocket City, I created Organizing Huntsville to pursue my passion for helping others achieve a calm home through practical and aesthetically pleasing storage solutions.